ŰŸ, Ʈ ¸ ҵ λ...U

2016-12-12 08:40
Copyright Issuedaily. ̰ ų , ̽ϸ(www.issuedaily.com)

[̽ϸ μ]ü Ƽ ŰŸ ҵ鿡 λ縦 ߴ.

ŰŸȴ ƮѰ Ⱑ ڽ νŸ ׷ Բ This was an incredible team win! I dedicate my 1st Goal at Old Trafford to all @manchesterunited fans around the World! Thank you so much for your messages of support! U( ¸ϴ1 ù ° ǥ õ ƮƮ 1 üƼ ҵ鿡 Ĩϴ! ּż մϴ) ÷ ü ִ.

״ 11( ѱð) ü õ ƮƮ 2016-2017 ױ۷ ̾ 15 Ʈ Ȫۿ ´ῡ 29 1:0¸ ֿ ƴ.

ŰŸ ̳ ⿡ λ 2ְ ҵ ƽ ִ.

(=ŰŸ νŸ׷)


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