¾, SNS 10ֳ ܼƮ Ұ "  翡 ־ "

2016-08-21 08:28
Copyright Issuedaily. ̰ ų , ̽ϸ(www.issuedaily.com)

[̽ϸ ؼ] ׷ ¾ ܼƮ ҵ鿡 λ縦 .

¾ 21 ڽ νŸ׷ "Tonight was.. There are no words that can explain.... Thanks for standing by our side for 10 years through the ups and the downs Love u..( . 10   츮 翡 ־༭ ) ؿ..! #vip #bestofthebest" 幮 .

̿ Բ ¾ ҵ ܼƮ ޿ ǥߴ.

ҽ ҵ " ʹ ! ε 뷡 ּ ؿ" " ʹ ູ߰ ε ִٸ ູ ſ ؿ" "10Ҵ ǪȪ(10 )" Ƴ ǥߴ.

ٷ 20 Ͽ 忡 10ֳ ܼƮ BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT :0.TO.10 ߴ.

(=¾ νŸ׷)


ؼ churabbit@

